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Gift Guide: I’ve Written Your 2022 Wishlist and Shopping List! You’re Welcome!

Every year, my family wants to know what I want for my birthday and Christmas. And it’s HARD to come up with ideas on the spot!!! You too? Well, ok! Here you go! These are things you will love to get AND give and may have never heard of (my favorite kind of gift!) 


For the jewelry lover: Ink and Alloy Earrings. These seed bead earrings are SO CUTE!!! Ok, full disclosure, I fell hard for their Instagram ad. I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but I’m hoping to get some for Christmas. Specifically these  and these.


For anyone who sleeps on fitted sheets:  Quick Zip Sheets. Here’s an Instagram ad item I DID pull the trigger on. And I’m SO GLAD I did!!! These solve two problems. They stay ON! We have one of those beds that bends up like a hospital bed (husband has a bad back…) and fitted sheets NEVER stay! So annoying!!! These do. But even more exciting, they are the EASIEST to change because the flat part zips off for changing! AND, you can buy JUST the flat part in multiples if you want, so you can have 2 or 3 flat sheets to change in and out after washing but just have 1 or 2 of the fitted part that stays on the bed. LIFE CHANGING!!! And they are soft and feel great.


For the candy lover: Chocolate Covered Gummi Bears. Hear me out. These sound weird. I thought so too until I tried them. They are my new favorite candy, and that’s saying A LOT! You could give a little bag as a one off, or you could gift a bag with AUTODELIVERY every one to twelve weeks. I’d LOVE that!!! Money saving hack: Winco has them in the bulk bins!!!


For the person who loves to sit around a table: A Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit and Extendable Marshmallow Roasters. What a fun and whimsical way to end a dinner with friends or relax after work! This is made by the brand Solo. We have and LOVE their pizza oven too!


For the woman who loves clothes and needs help keeping it coordinated, manageable, refreshed, and fun: A Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe Guide. I’ve bought this for myself quarterly for a couple of years now, and I see no end in sight. It’s a seasonal clothes buying guide. The recipient buys the clothes they want based on the guide. Each season is 39 Pieces that combine to make a stylish wardrobe that will help you get dressed easily, feel confident, and love the way you look. It comes with a link database with several options for each piece, and the seasons build on eachother, so you can always use things you already have. It’s SO GOOD!!!


For anyone with breasts: Shelfies. Yes, I said breasts (boobs, if you prefer). Now, full disclosure, this is my brand. It’s a shameless plug for the thing I designed (and wear on a daily basis) because I couldn’t find cozy built-in shelf bra loungewear/pajamas when I wanted them years back. Shelfies have the perfect thickness (for nipple coverage), give separation (to avoid the boob loaf look), and give just the right amount of support. To see a video of the shelf in action, click here. Sizing is no problem. Just buy what size they normally wear. If you get it wrong, exchanges are free! To see a video of comedian Leanne Morgan in her Shelfie Shoppe Maxi dress click here.


For the person who loves cozy sleep: A Weighted Nodpod Sleep Mask. I love my weighted blanket, and this looks wonderful to me! No pesky straps. So cozy!


For the puzzle lover: A puzzle mat.  I love doing big puzzles, but I like to take my time. I also hate having them laying out because my cats play soccer with the pieces which are then gone forever. Also, I don’t have a designated puzzle table, so they often get in the way. Last winter, I used 2 huge cookie sheets stacked, but that was still pretty cumbersome. I would LOVE one of these!


For the person who needs nothing or doesn’t want any new clutter: Storyworth. Once a week, you choose a question for your receipient to answer (there are tons to choose from, so your’re not on the spot). They'll simply reply with an email, which is shared with you. At the end of a year, their stories are bound into a beautiful keepsake book. I’d love to ask for this as a gift to ME but have the recipients (and therefore question answerers) be my parents. I’d LOVE to have a book of their stories!!!


For the person who loves podcasts or music: Shokz Openrun Bone Conducting Headphones. I LOVE mine!!! I can use them on a bike ride and still hear road noise for safety. I wear them around the house, too, and don't have to push pause every time someone needs my attention. Another LIFE CHANGING purchase!



For the person who needs more weight bearing exercise in their lives but won’t go to the gym (it’s me; I TOTALLY need these!): Bala Bangles. These weighted, slim line ankle and wrist bangles are SO NEAT!!! My obgyn recommended just wearing wrist and ankle weights when I do household chores to add a little weight bearing to my life (you know, to prevent osteoporosis), and I thought it was a great idea since I am NOT in a gym-going or weightlifting phase of my life. I went right to Walmart and got some, but they were so bulky and floppy that I only wore them ONCE. But man, the concept is LEGIT because I broke a sweat folding a basket of laundry, and it didn’t feel that hard.



For the person who loves to look their best: A Color Guru Consulatation. I have wanted this for a couple of years! This is the gift that keeps giving AND creates NO clutter!


For the iphone user that loses things (raises hand): Apple Air Tag. I’d SO have sewn one of these in the hem of my kids winter coats when they were little. Not to track the kids, but the COATS!!!


For the lazy iced tea lover: Cusa Tea. This is a short cut to delicious iced tea. Skip the boiling water, waiting for it to cool, finding a pitcher for refrigerating, etc.


For anyone who likes a beverage on the go: Yeti Tumbler. Yeti tumblers are the BEST! I LOVE the magnetic, clean, removable and easily washable magslider. I will literally WASH mine instead of using anything else from my drawer. Tip: the colors are cute, but the plain stainless does GREAT in the dishwasher.



For someone who is missing a pet (think college students): A Pet Photo Pillow. These are SO CUTE!!! I think my dorm-dwelling college freshman would LOVE one of her cat (who still lives with us, sigh.)



For anyone who cooks: A huge cast iron skillet. A skillet big enough for cooking for leftovers. We’ve had this exact 17-inch monster for years. It’s AWESOME. And every time guests see it, they marvel! It’s easy to care for and totally holds up. Every kitchen needs one.



For anyone who loves to be cozy: A vintage eiderdown. This has made it to every gift guide I’ve written. I LOVE a good vintage Eiderdown. It’s a puffy, wonderful, down filled European dream. No need for a duvet cover. These are covered with cute fabric. The smaller ones are great for throw blankets and the larger ones are perfect for the foot of the bed! I’ve had the most luck buying them from Etsy. They mostly come from the UK, so make sure factor in some time for shipping.


For anyone who sends mail: A Custom Paper Embosser. I love my custom return address embosser. I bought if for myself. But I think it would make a great gift! So much better than labels or stamps, because, it never runs out! Some even have interchangeable plates (one for return address and one for monogram)!


Happy gifting and wishing!

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